WS 279
Available Coverage: 11” / 1” Reveal
Available Gauge: 22, 24
Wall aplication Only
In order to minimize the potential for oil canning; Westman Steel ONLY recommends 22ga for wall application - lengths less than 12’ (3660mm) for profiles with no V Groove and a maximum length of 30' (9144mm) for profiles with V Groove.
Colours Availability
Click And Select

Classic/Commercial Colours

Antique Linen QC 8696

Black QC 8262

Bone White QC 8273

Bright Red QC 8386

Buckskin QC 9202

Cambridge White QC 8695

Charcoal QC 8306

Coffee QC 8326

Dark Brown QC 8229

Gold QC 8276

Heron Blue QC 8330

Iron Ore QC 8614

Melcher’s Green QC 8307

Metro Brown QC 8228

Regent Grey QC 8730

Slate Blue QC 8260

Stone Grey QC 8305

Tan QC 8315

White White QC 8317
Wrinkle Colours
Exotic Colours

Copper Penny QC 2005

Corten QC 9942

Dark Zinc QC 1430

Rustic Red QC 1426

Silver Mist QC 8047
Wood Grain Colours

Frontier Espresso QC 4100

Frontier Cedar QC 4101
Product Dimensions

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Available Help
Contact Westman Steel for more information about WS V-Groove, Perf or V-Groove + Perf options